
The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to have its dominance in various industries by redefining the way they function. It created a number of job opportunities for professionals. So, if you are looking for the best field for gaining the right job opportunities, IoT can be the perfect option for you.

To get the best job opportunities in this field, you need to be possessing an in-depth understanding of IoT. While preparing for an interview, you should have an idea about various IoT Interview Questions that interviewers ask quite often to candidates.

In this post, we have compiled a list of various IoT questions that help you pass the interview successfully and get the best job opportunities. 

Top 20 IoT Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. What is Internet of Things (IoT) ?

The Internet of Things is popularly known as ‘IoT’ in short form. It brings the possibility of connectivity of vehicles, physical devices, and various other related devices in a network through software or sensors. These connected devices exchange data online even without the need for human intervention. In other words, IoT devices are connected online to exchange data with each other and perform different tasks.

2. How does IoT work?

Well, an IoT system works through a sensor that collects data from surroundings, processes, and triggers an action be it initiating any process, sending a notification, or others. It works in several steps such as collecting data, processing data, initiating action, and communicating. 

3. What are some real-world usages of IoT?

Well, you can find IoT everywhere and thus can come across various real work applications of IoT. Some of the real-world applications are smart homes, industrial automation, healthcare, smart cities, agriculture, and many more.

In smart homes, one gets the liberty to control lighting systems, thermostats, and security cameras just by using a Smartphone. In the same way, the internet of things has revolutionized various other sectors as well. 

4. What are some advantages and challenges in the implementation of IoT in any business?

IoT witnessed its fast adaptation rates among businesses from multiple sectors for offering numerous benefits. Some of these benefits are;

• Businesses can leverage the power of IoT to boost their productivity as the technology is capable of automating production even without the need for human intervention.

• Since the technology eliminates the necessity of human intervention, it helps businesses save on labor costs as well.

• IoT sensors make it possible for real-time monitoring of different vehicles, equipment, facilities, etc.

• With personalized services, IoT helps businesses improve their customer experience.

• Businesses can also gain valuable insight from data generated by IoT and can make various crucial business decisions accordingly.

Of course, IoT offers numerous advantages to businesses and helps them grow. But, its implementation involves a lot of challenges, which are as follows.

• IoT devices are prone to cyberattacks

• Compatibility is another issue between different IoT devices from different manufacturers.

• Since IoT devices collect a huge amount of data from different sources. So, it leads to data privacy issues.

• You need to spend a lot of money implementing IoT. 

5. Could you tell us about certain key components of an IoT system?

Yes, various important components of an IoT system include;

• Devices/Things

• Sensors

• Gateway

• Cloud

• Analytics

• User Interface

6. What are the different types of IoT?

Well, some of the most popular types of IoT are;

• Industrial IoT

• Consumer IoT

• Healthcare IoT

• Environmental IoT

• Agricultural IoT

• Smart City IoT

• Energy IoT

7. What is the contribution of cloud computing to IoT?

Cloud computing is useful in creating a highly flexible and cost-effective system of IoT, which stores, processes, and analyzes a vast amount of data. Cloud computing is available with the vast capability of data storage, which is indeed necessary for managing a large amount of data that IoT devices generate.

Apart from data storage, cloud computing also includes the capability to process a vast amount of data and helps organizations to get valuable insight in real-time. Being scalable platforms, cloud platforms enable organizations to add or remove resources based on their needs to handle the demand. Another advantage of cloud computing is that it can be easily integrated with different systems and services, be it ML algorithms, analytics tools, or AI models.  

8. Why does the healthcare industry use IoT?

The Internet of Things has transformed many industries, healthcare is one of those. Be it improving operational efficiency, patient care, utilization of resources, or improving patient engagement, the technology offers numerous advantages to healthcare businesses and helps them deliver the best services.

With IoT devices, healthcare professionals can easily monitor patients and provide them with complete real-time details about crucial signs and also numerous other health indicators. It helps these professionals respond quickly in case of changes in the condition of a patient’s health.

Another advantage of IoT is that it streamlines the operation of healthcare businesses. With the use of IoT devices, healthcare businesses can minimize paperwork, automate routine tasks, etc.

The Internet of Things is a powerful technology that helps healthcare businesses to completely utilize the available resources. It helps them track the available equipment, personnel, and supplies and use them based on their needs.

Apart from this, IoT also plays a major role in helping healthcare organizations increase patient engagement and also improve research and development.      

9. Could you specify the role of Big Data in IoT?

Big Data is one of the key components of IoT systems that play a vital role in data storage, data processing, data integration, data security, and data visualization.

Many Big Data platforms can store and manage the vast amount of data generated by IoT devices.

Apart from data storage, Big Data platforms are also capable of processing the stored data, which is necessary to get real-time insight. Be it batch processing, stream processing, or ML algorithms, Big Data includes numerous capabilities of data processing.

Many Big Data platforms are available with various tools for data integration. Besides, they can also normalize data and thus enable the organization in creating a complete unified view of IoT data.

Big Data also ensures higher security for valuable data as its platforms are available with numerous tools for data monitoring, encrypting, etc.   

10. How does IoT improve customer experience?

Improving customer experience is something that the majority of businesses are concerned about. IoT helps businesses in redefining the customer experience in various ways. The technology has the vast capability to help businesses deliver an exceptional customer experience.

IoT devices gather data related to customers’ behaviors, preferences, habits, usage patterns, etc., and help companies to make their business strategy accordingly to improve their customer experience.

Apart from this, IoT devices are capable of offering complete information regarding those issues that customers face and enable them quick and world-class customer support services.

IoT helps businesses improve their customer services in various other ways as well, including real-time tracking, predictive maintenance, voice assistants,  

11. Could you describe the role of data analytics in the Internet of Things?

Data analytics helps businesses get valuable insight into customers’ behaviors, needs, preferences, etc. from the largest amount of data that the IoT system generates. With the help of this tool, an organization can store, process, and manage data effectively while ensuring its availability for getting insights.

Data analytics tools are also helpful in creating several predictive models on the basis of IoT data, which enables organizations to make predictions and avert potential issues before they take place. 

12. What are the various tools and platforms of IoT?

When it comes to creating and implementing an IoT system, you will need to use a range of platforms and tools. Some of these tools and platforms are;

• Software Development Kits

• Hardware Components

• Cloud Platforms

• Analytics Tools

• IoT Middleware

• Device Management Platforms

13. What is the use of IoT in predictive maintenance?

The Internet of Things is one of the most useful technologies that help organizations in making predictive maintenance for letting organizations make a prediction and thus prevent equipment from failures before they do. The technology brings the possibility for predictive maintenance in several ways including remote monitoring, predictive analytics, condition-based maintenance, and predictive scheduling.

By leveraging the power of IoT, organizations can collect real-time data related to the performance of the equipment. So, they can take necessary actions to prevent equipment from failing. It helps in minimizing downtime, and cost, and also enhances both the reliability and performance of the equipment.  

14. What are some advanced trends in IoT?

As one of the rapidly growing technologies, IoT includes the vast potential to transform various industries and usages. Each year new IoT trends come. Some advanced trends of this technology are as follows;

• Blockchain

• 5G Technology Powered by IoT

• IoT Security

• Edge Computing

• Digital Twins

• Voice Activated IoT Devices

• IoT-Empowered AI Apps

• Traffic Management

• Smart Cities 

15. How does IoT help in farming and agriculture?

Apart from transforming businesses and industries, IoT also revolutionized agriculture and farming. The technology helps farmers get the actual condition of weather, crop growth, soil, etc. These are the factors that tend to affect the production of crops.

IoT sensors and various monitoring devices can gather various crucial data related to soil moisture, nutrient level, temperature, etc. These also give accurate details related to the development of plants.

IoT devices include the enormous capability of collecting data based on soil moisture, weather condition, and also various other conditions that have a direct impact on the production of the crop. ML is used for analyzing this type of data to make an accurate prediction of crop failure and thus enable farmers to take several necessary actions.

Apart from this, the Internet of Things also helps farming and agriculture in various other ways including autonomous farming, livestock management, supply chain management, and more.   

16. What are the main differences between M2M and IoT?

Though the Internet of Things and Machine to Machine (M2M) are related to each other in some aspects, they are not the same. M2M is different from IoT in various ways.

• M2M is a part of the Internet of Things and ensures communication between two or more than two devices. IoT includes a range of applications and technologies, including M2M. 

• M2M devices include the ability to communicate only simple data including machine status or sensor readings whereas IoT devices generally connect and transmit various types of data ranging from the sensor to location details.

• When it comes to connectivity, M2M devices are generally connected through a private network. IoT devices, on the other hand, are connected with the help of the public internet. It allows IoT devices to communicate with various devices and apps and also enables them for remote control and management as well.

• M2M are the best options for industrial usage including logistics, and manufacturing. IoT is used for both industrial as well as consumer applications ranging from home automation to smart cities.  

17. What is the impact of IoT on security and privacy?

Well, the impact of the Internet of Things on security has become a much-debated topic of late. The main reason for this is the proliferation of those of various connected devices that have created several challenges when it comes to securing sensitive and personal data. Technology impacts privacy and security in several ways including data privacy, cybersecurity, physical security, standards regulations, and trust.

The impact of IoT on security and privacy can be even more complicated and needs a lot of effort and attention to address various challenges and also risks involved in it. Be it organizations or individuals, they need to emphasize both security and safety when using IoT devices. 

18. What are some legal issues of IoT?

Of course, IoT transformed many industries and also changed the lives of people. But, as with evolving technology, it also has certain legal issues as well. Some of these related legal issues are;

• IoT devices can invade the privacy of an individual as it gathers a vast amount of data including the personal information of an individual.

• IoT devices are also prone to cyberattacks.

• IoT uses a range of technologies including software, sensors, and hardware. So, there’s a possibility that it can put intellectual property rights and the biggest risk.

• Regulatory compliance.   

19. How can you manage IoT devices remotely?

Organizations can avail of the advantage of managing IoT devices even remotely. And they can do it with the use of a combination of tools and numerous technologies. All you need to do is to leverage the best combination of tools to manage IoT devices while getting a kind of surety that they operate with higher efficiency.

With the device management platforms, you can do both monitoring and management of the connectivity of devices, data management, security, firmware update, and much more. Apart from this, you can also use mobile device management, OTA updates, and APIs to manage your IoT devices remotely.  

20. What is the best way to ensure interoperability between two different IoT devices?

When it comes to interoperability, it’s basically the ability of two or more systems that work together properly. If we talk about interoperability from an IoT point of view, it’s the ability of devices from various manufacturers for communicating with each other and also for data sharing.

You can implement the following practices to ensure interoperability between different devices;

• Implementation of open APIs

• Use of industry-standard communication protocols

• Implement standard data formats

• Use of common security and authentication mechanism

• Implement interoperability testing


So, after going through the above questions, you may now have an adequate idea about IoT Interview Questions. You can make a list of similar questions and prepare accordingly to crack the interview successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to prepare for an IoT internship interview?

While preparing for an IoT internship interview, you should focus on gaining technical knowledge in-depth while improving your communication skills. You should polish your technical skills and also focus on practicing problem-solving. Never forget to gather complete details about the company that you are interviewing with. 

2. Is it hard to get a job in IoT?

Well, getting a job in IoT is indeed a lot of challenging. But, you can grab your dream job opportunities easily by getting the right skills and also earning relevant experience in this field. All you need to have is passion in this field to get various job opportunities.